Sports for Development

The basketball team is categorized into three arms; the senior male team – called The AHIP Giants who are in the National League, the junior male – called The Rising Stars and the female team – called AHIP Queens.  Some of the team members were enlisted from secondary schools when they were still young and green in sports.  The members are all trained and also engaged in PHE.  Further training and a series of orientations are usually organized for them on communication, leadership skills, decision-making, STDs, HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence, and other health issues relating to young people.  These issues learned are usually shared with fellow young people when they go to tournaments.

Over 1000 basketball players have been trained as peer health educators on Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) as part of the organization’s long-term strategy of building a critical mass of youth leaders to champion holistic healthy reproductive Health for sustainable development.

This intervention was aimed at modifying social interactions to promote health and reduce risks in specific young people’s contexts and change social norms and institutional cultures and practices that negate young people’s voice, promote leadership and influence over development policies and programs to ensure the promotion and protection of equal opportunities and rights in both the public and private spheres enhancing young people’s abilities to articulate their priorities, organize, and generate collective action to improve their livelihood options and support community development to reduce the gender-differentiated impact of poverty.

AHIP Giants Slider 2
AHIP Giants Slider
Ahip Queens white
Ahip Queens Coach

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