Resource Center

This consists of the library, research and documentation. The library unit contains specially selected books on growing up issues for both boys and girls. Also available are books on sociology and psychology, this unit has had a lot of young people coming to write their projects and making other researches with the help of the books available.

Video tapes of all AHIP activities like in-school and out-school workshops, vocational center graduations, principals, ward heads, media, partnership trainings and AHIP own recorded drama videos are kept in the resource unit. Also educational films that borders round growing up issues of young persons like yellow card, more time and baby love are also available for the young people.

Research findings on young people behaviours are also well documented .the resource unit has a young facilitator attached to the librarian that helps out in providing the necessary books needed by the users. The resource unit is open from 8am to 5pm from Monday to Friday.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9