
AHIP has partnered with National and State government such as:

Federal Ministry of Health: AHIP as an NGO have been selected by the Federal Ministry of Health to serve on the National Committee for Health Promotion in Nigeria. Working group on policy development for Adolescent and Young People Health and Development. Working Group on National Reproductive Health Policy and Strategies.

AHIP has successfully partnered with the States Ministries of Health (Kaduna, Katsina, Kebbi, Zamfara, Borno, Yobe, Gombe, Bauchi, Jigawa, Benue, Kano)  to refurbish and equip clinics, especially mother and child health care centres. Trained some health personnel to operate clients’ centred facilities in the states. The ministry also provides professionals as facilitators on reproductive health in all the trainings for religious leaders and traditional ruler.

Directorate for local governments and Chieftaincy Affairs: Working with this directorate help made working with the traditional leaders a reality.   It got us close to the Emirate councils in the various states and gave us access to traditional leaders at the different levels (wards, district/villages and emirates)

Ministry of Education: AHIP collaborated with the ministry to integrate the National Family Life and HIV/AIDS education into school’s curriculum in Kano and Jigawa, also collaborated with them in the various states to select and train principal of school.  AHIP is part of a co-creation Partnership for Education established in 2017 in the two states, Kano and Jigawa, that strives to tackle educational challenges in the states. The partnership focuses on three issues considered the most severe impediments to academic development across the states. Both government and non-governmental organizations initially identified the issues. The problems include class congestion, Lack of teaching and learning materials, and Poor Teacher quality. The partnership initiated many ways to address the issues, including developing Teacher Education Policy for the states. The partnership is now focusing on Girls’ Education to reduce inequity in education between boys and girls.

Ministry Of Women Affairs and Ministry of Information, Youth and Social Development: these ministries are involved in all programs for young people and women implemented to date. For instance, the ministries provided venues and instructors to train female and male peer health educators and vocational skills in states. Also, work with the federal Ministry of Women’s Affairs to train people in two local government areas on community involvement in eradicating female genital mutilation.

Past and Present Partnership for Program Implementation

International Women Health Coalition (IWHC) has funded some of AHIP’s advocacy work for 6 years (1998 – 2004).  The support was to strengthen AHIP’s work to meet its goal of improving young people’s access to reproductive and sexual health information and to provide youth development activities focusing on health, social and economic issues.  Of particular importance is AHIP’s advocacy and educational work with religious and traditional leaders, government officials and influential individuals in selected states to become informed supporters of, and advocates for adolescent sexuality and reproductive health (ASRH) in northern Nigerian. 

Pathfinder International: Mentored and built the AHIP capacity for a successful organizational change and performance. The Organizational Development that took place between 1995 and 2005 developed AHIP organizational structures and processes that influence worker behavior and motivation. It helped the AHIP organizational learning, knowledge management and transformation of organizational norms and values. It set the organizational climate, organizational culture, and organizational strategies on how the organization identifies problems, plans action, negotiates change and evaluates progress.

THE FORD FOUNDATION: The Ford foundation has support AHIP to tackle socio-cultural and economic barrier to wholesome reproductive health of young people and women in northern Nigeria. By build impactful partnerships with government, CSOs, community based groups, Faith-based organization, civic and political leaders, traditional leaders, religious leaders, media, and other relevant stakeholders to strengthen service delivery and creating enabling environment for integrated services,  and empowering young people and women.  The foundation also supports the work of AHIP in the areas of Integrating Sexuality Education in schools curriculum, promote sexual and reproductive health and rights, working to combat gender based violence and promote gender justice in and out of schools. Providing information to young people and women. Promoting sports for development and using edutainment to promote sensitive and difficult issues.

MacArthur Foundation:  Supported AHIP projects that worked to increase awareness on adolescent health;  expand knowledge and provide information on sexuality, reproductive health and rights;  provide comprehensive youth friendly services; guidance and counselling services for  young people in and out of school; develop integrated skills development program in AHIP vocational training centre; developing young people and to serve as outreach peers educators; Facilitate learning on sexuality education in 150 schools in the three states. AHIP youth friendly centre  provide health services for treatment of minor health, STDs, counselling for Psychological and emotional problems; promoted  adolescent sexuality and health programs; build capacity of leaders to promote Reproductive Health in Northern Nigeria.

OXFAM Novib: The gap identified in the implementation of RH services in Northern Nigeria since the year 2001 informed the decision of AHIP to organize and sponsor the reproductive health leadership training for RH leaders in 12 northern these states (Kano, Kaduna, Katsina Bauchi, Jigawa, Benue, Gombe, Kebbi, Sokoto and Zamfara) to enhance knowledge and skills in effective leadership roles and styles in promoting positive reproductive health practices, gender equity and making motherhood safer. The trainings were conducted by qualified and experienced network trainers/consultants and AHIP trained trainers. Action plans were developed during the training as guide to implement a culturally and religious sensitive RH interventions with people in the various states.

In 2005, Oxfam Novib/David and Lucile Packard Foundation supported the Leaders for Reproductive Health which aimed at improving the reproductive health situations in Northern Nigeria especially among women and young people; creating an enabling environment for actors in RH/FP program; and providing services in hard to reach areas through leadership consensus building, forming and mentoring groups, providing reproductive health service and integrated leadership development program.  The leadership project involves selecting leaders from “all walks of life”, equipping them with reproductive health knowledge, develop their leadership skills, sensitize them on RH/FP and encourage them to form groups and become advocates for RH of women, young people and the family. This strategy was aimed at developing leaders who will promote positive reproductive health in the society. The Leader in RH training started 4 years ago in 2001 and has reached 12 states to date, namely Kano, Kaduna, Katsina, Jigawa, Bauchi, Benue, Gombe, Sokoto, Zamfara, Kebbi, Yobe and Borno.  Another objective of this project was to integrate reproductive health service delivery through establishment of model health centers for comprehensive primary health care targeting families in hard to reach areas.

The Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health and Service Delivery in Northern Nigeria, a 3 year European Commission/Oxfam Novib supported project which commenced in 2006, aimed at expanding the scope and coverage of an integrated youth sexuality education,  reproductive health services through leadership consensus building, service delivery and  the appropriation of effective and emerging strategies. The project will focus on 10 states of Northern Nigeria. The target groups include young people both in and out-of-school, women of reproductive age and men, leaders from Governmental and NGOs, media practitioners, traditional and religious leaders, health providers, faith and community based organizations and Non Formal Structures. Key strategies in this project include service delivery through establishment and/or upgrading/improving of community-based Reproductive Health clinics(some of which already exist), training and education of key actors, community outreaches through mobilizations, advocacy and sports, IEC & BCC, community organizing, networking, tri-media (radio, television and print) campaign and People living with HIV/AIDS.

AHIP/COMPASS: AHIP in partnership with COMPASS have carried out some projects together in COMPASS selected states. Improving the health status and quality of education of over 20 million Nigerians through a wide Variety of interventions which included: improving quality of basic education; expand the scope of Reproductive Health/Family Planning (RH/FP) and Child Survival programs

SOUTH_SOUTH Initiative: AHIP was part of a meeting which brought together NGO working on Health and Education in West Africa where a south-south cooperation was born. NGOs from this meeting agreed to work together and share experience within the West Africa Region. 

Visionary Leadership Program (VLP): was first launched on the 8th of July, 2003 and was a product of the South-South initiative. AHIP was the anchor institution for the Visionary Leadership Program in Nigeria. The VLP is a program of a consortium of three international organizations. The Partners in Population and Development, International Council on Management of Population Programmes (ICOMP) and Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS), supported by The David and Lucile Packard Foundation. VLP develops leaders and their leadership competencies incrementally through a cost effective South-South Advanced Leadership Training, Mentoring and Exposure Program. VLP also builds capacity for leadership development by creating a learning network of national leadership programs as well as networking influential mentors to reinforce the process of leadership development of participants of the program;  

AHIP worked with the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Nigeria to develop the country’s Global Fund Round 8 Proposals for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. AHIP was also selected as a Sub Recipient of the global funds in Nigeria.

VSO:  The link with Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) got the organization to host a   global exchange involving young people from Nigeria and the United Kingdom with 2 volunteers placed in AHIP

AHIP has been working with VSO volunteers in supporting integration of HIV/AIDS services and Reproductive Health in mainstream healthcare delivery systems of 12 Health facilities (HFs) in 12 states of Northern Nigeria with support from European commission through Oxfam/Novib.  

Support To Implement Inclusive Education and Livelihood development in Rural Areas. Presently: AHIP is implementing in 5 Local Government Areas (Bunkure, Kunbotso, Gwarzo, Kunci, and Tsanyawa.

Educational Project in Tsanyawa and Kunchi: aims to improve core competences, skills, knowledge and basic tools for support to learners and parents and other stakeholders. Becoming creative in ways of helping children to learn basic numeracy and literacy as well as reduce stress and trauma while fostering resilience and coping mechanism. Establish supportive relationship between the teachers and learners; among learners and with the host community. Provide safe and protective learning environment in the short and long-term. Identify potential healing opportunities, applications, challenges, and recommendations in various contexts. Empower and strengthen the teacher’s role as agent and advocate of positive change through the use and adoption of PSS and PSRP activities in different subjects. Inclusive Education in Kumbotso, Bunkure, and Garzo: Increase access to, and improve the quality of, basic education for some of the most vulnerable and marginalized children in Kumbotso, Bunkure, and Gwarzo – particularly girls, children not in school, and those living with disabilities. Improving the provision of inclusive teaching and learning, tackling some of the barriers to access head-on, by supporting communities in Kano states to become more engaged in the education of girls and children with disabilities.

Women Farming for Livelihood: Improving food production and sustainable livelihoods of vulnerable, agriculture-based households using sustainable technologies, including capacitating  female farmers with farms inputs (e.g. seeds/FRTILIZERS) to strengthen the food security status of the vulnerable households using sustainable conservation agriculture (CA) technologies; capacitating and training of farmers’ groups and of government extension workers; promotion of community-level small-livestock initiatives, such as chicken and goat rearing.

AHIP, ENHANCE, NAPTIP and USAID. Collaborated in hosting a forum, which used the findings of studies and conferences report on the almajiri system to highlight the problems of almajiris (street children). It looked at ways to identify streets and tsangaya schools and work in phases to integrate western education and LSS into their system and ways to integrate issues of basic hygiene, HIV/AIDS, life skills and reproductive health issues to conform to the Islamic teachings; strategies of reducing/stopping begging, trafficking and use of almajiris as instrument of sex worker and street hawking and identify training needs for stakeholders on the dangers of child begging in Islam.

PEACED PROJECT: The project is aimed at engaging communities to strengthen the ability of their population to resist conflict, prevent,  and respond to communal issues before it escalates, by addressing community need, through advocacy, collaboration, inter-faith engagement, solidarity among civil society, political leader, creative development strategy to provide social education and reintegration of young people back into formal school, develop livelihood skills, counsel for better mental health of young people and women. The project is implemented in Plateau and Nassarawa State. 

PROCTER and GAMBLE supported AHIP drama series (Sakaci ko Barna) transmitted on seven television stations across Northern Nigeria and covers about sixteen (16) states. It was also aired on DSTV for three years. In return, the weekly series carried adverts for P & G products (Always sanitary pads, Pampers, Ariel, Bonux, Vicks, and Oral). The drama sensitized and educated the population on issues that were difficult to discuss, such as sexuality education, Gender equality, Gender Based Violence, early and forced marriages, and many more topics. AHIP Drama consistently ran uninterrupted in the stations from 2005 to 2015, and, by inference, it became a household name and reference point for a family drama with its edutainment values. There was an estimated viewership of 10-16 million people weekly, excluding large viewers on DSTV African Magic(Hausa channel).

VOICE 4 CHANGE: Partnered on the DFID-Voices for change program working with young men and women in post-secondary institutions to build their confidence through safe space facilitation and other mentoring activities in order to challenge discriminatory social norms and uphold the principles of gender justice. AHIP has worked with young people in realizing the aim of creating enabling environment for adolescent girls and women in Nigeria.

IPAS: Supports AHIP to work with Coalition for Policy Advocacy do policy advocacy and pursue the adaptation of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act in Kano State. The project worked  with the state ministry of Justice to review the state Penal Code which is the Laws of the state and integrate the VAPP ACT in the Laws of the state.  The coalition is made up of CSOs, FBOs, CBOs, Media, Judiciary, law enforcement agencies, relevant Ministries, and built the capacity of the coalition members in legislative advocacy. National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), Police, Nigerian Civil Defense, Representative of the Emirate, the director Aminu Kano Centre for Democratic Research and Training (AKCDRT), Mambayya House, Bayero University, Kano, Hisbah, and the Sharia Commission Kano state.

Amplify-Change: Supported work to reduce Gender Based Violence especially rape due to being powerless and voiceless. Partnering with networks and other-stakeholders.  Build capacity, strengthen partners to promote laws that will address rape and other GBV in 2 states. Baseline gathering current situation events-and trends, Develop capacity at various levels and tools; develop campaigns & services for survivors; and using multimedia.

Christian Aid:

Support intervention that seeks to improve school retention and completion rate among adolescent girls in Kano State, Nigeria through the deployment of the Gender Empowerment and Organizing Resource (GEADOR) which is a mechanism for ensuring the participation of vulnerable and marginalized groups in decision-making that affects their lives in order to ensure equity in access to opportunities for improved life and wellbeing. It is also a strategy for mobilizing key stakeholders and resource for facilitating increased retention and completion rates in the target state.

GEADOR have in the past proven to be an effective tool for facilitating inclusive and participatory development at the community level leading to more effective use of scarce resources to meet the service delivery needs of marginalized population, following its effectiveness this project seeks to deploy the GEADOR strategy in mobilizing key stakeholders in the education of the girl-child to ensure increased retention among school girls transcending into increased completion rates among children in Kano state. This approach -GEADOR- has been adopted as a social participatory and inclusion tool that encourages stakeholders to lead and own their development.

AHIP runs an Institute for Human Development since 1996. The Institute for Human Development established to serves as the capacity development unit of AHIP. It comprises leadership training, Life skills, Livelihood skills/vocational training, and the continuing learning unit. AHIP livelihood endeavours encourage Entrepreneurial, agribusiness, agri-preneurialship, and. agricultural skills.

GENDER Programming

 Gender Base Violence Program in Dala: The project is to promote effective, accountable and inclusive communities to enable women, girls and other marginalized groups to lead lives free from gender based violence.  During the 6 months lifespan of the project capacities of schools and communities were built through capacity development and participatory awareness building on S-GBV and strengthening/establishing school GBV prevention and response systems in Dala LGA in Kano State. The intervention is to promote GBV prevention, protection and response through advocacies, community committees, enhanced community education by Male Champions and mentors through safe spaces for male youth in the communities and safe spaces in schools for girls. The male champions and mentors sensitize community members while also running safe spaces in the communities and in schools to change attitudes. The community and in-school GBV response teams respond to cases of GBV and follow them up to a conclusion; this also serves as a strategy for sustainability

Voice For Change (V4C)

Implemented Voices for Change programme Empowering Adolescent Girls and Women and working to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. Equipping “a wide range of young women and men to ‘speak up and speak out’ to challenge gender stereotypes and discriminatory social norms.” The programme combines activities such as the creation of safe spaces, media and communications to change attitudes and social norms, advocacy for improved gender legislation, and digital media to facilitate interaction between girls.

GBV Law/Policy Work

Inclusive action on policy is to create awareness on policies, advocate for adaptation/adoption, formulation, domestication and implementation including to Advocate for signing VAPP law that address rape and other GBV in Kano. AHIP is also working with a coalition to look at to related Bills and a Law (the Child protection Bill, the VAPP Bill and the Penal code to compare and ensure uniform punishment are stated for similar offences in the three documents and to ensure that all child protection issues are moved to the Child Protection Bill. The three instrument to avoid inconsistencies in the instruments and avoid injustice in the justice system. C-PAK lead by AHIP has completed the draft Law on GBV and the draft is with the Attorney General of Kano State.

Countering Gender Based Violence

AHIP Inclusive action to counter high rate of gender-based violence (GBV) especially rape of the powerless and voiceless. Partnering with networks and other-stakeholders, state house of assembly and judiciary. Build capacity different levels of stakeholders, strengthen partners to promote the adaptation of the Violence against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act in states that will address rape and other GBV. Baseline gathering current situation events-and trends, Develop capacity at various levels of communities for a supportive environment; develop campaigns & services for survivors; and using multimedia. Using Public engagement workshops to engage communities, discuss and learn about GBV, to gather information, current trends, evidence and public views on rape, physical and mental health of survivors.  Develop materials for reinforcing learning for different level of stakeholder and tools for more engagement with health workers. Capacity and tools for governance; strengthen Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARC) and provide services for survivors while working with multimedia. Support by Amplify Change

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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